DENALI NATIONAL PARK is testing a hybrid bus that, if successful, could replace the park's fleet of 110 diesel-fueled school buses. The 230-horsepower hybrid bus, painted white and sporting scenic views of Denali on its sides, went into service in the park last week. Park officials said the hybrid buses run cleaner than the diesel vehicles, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by up to 40%, nitrogen oxide by up to 20% and particulate matter by up to 30%. The hybrids also are more economical, with diesel fuel in the Denali area currently priced at more than $5 a gallon. Denali officials said the quieter, more ecofriendly hybrids would enhance the visitor experience. "Can you imagine the thrill of moving slowly and silently past a bear nursing its cub or a wolf hunting along the road?" said Elwood Lynn, assistant superintendent of operations for Denali.